New data projects growth in Australian households

Number of households projected to rise by more than 3 million

New data projects growth in Australian households


By Mina Martin

Australia’s number of households is projected to increase from 10 million in 2021 to between 13.3 and 13.9 million by 2046, fresh ABS figures showed.

Family households will remain the most common, making up 68% to 70% of all households.

Increase in families

The number of families in Australia is expected to rise from 7.2 million in 2021 to between 9.5 and 9.7 million by 2046.

Couples with children will account for 42% to 43% of all families, while couples without children will make up 38% to 40%.

Living arrangements

Living with a partner is projected to remain the most common arrangement, encompassing 45% to 47% of Australians by 2046.

Additionally, 27% to 28% will live as children in a family household, and 3.4 to 4 million Australians will live alone.

Regional and age group variations

Growth will vary by region, with Melbourne projected to experience the fastest household growth. Living arrangements will also differ by age, with older populations more likely to live alone or in non-private dwellings.

These projections underscore the importance of planning for future housing and social services to accommodate the evolving demographic landscape in Australia.

For more details, visit the ABS website.

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