FBAA launches Ignite Your Mojo series

Empowering culture and confidence

FBAA launches Ignite Your Mojo series


By Mina Martin

FBAA has announced a new industry initiative aimed at reframing culture and fostering empowerment through the Ignite Your Mojo webinar series.

The series is launched in collaboration with Sascha Moore (pictured above right) and aims to promote wellness and growth within the industry.

“A core focus for the FBAA is to support industry at all levels,” said Peter White (pictured above left), managing director of FBAA. “This initiative further extends our advocation to wellness and growth through the Artemis Space.”

The series will empower participants by providing tools to challenge counterproductive perceptions and have more constructive conversations.

Tackling head noise and boosting confidence

Moore, director of Create Design & Marketing, highlighted the importance of confidence.

“Lacking confidence is often a core reason for ‘head noise,’ which, in turn, can inhibit our potential,” she said. “Our aim is to boost confidence by helping participants to ignite, or reignite, their ‘mojo’ – specifically in the workforce.”

Webinar on embracing risk

The inaugural webinar, titled Being Driven to Fail, will explore the reasons behind risk aversion and focus on reframing risk versus failure.

“Being driven to fail probably sounds counter-intuitive, but I adamantly feel that we need to reframe our thinking about embracing versus avoiding risk in order to evolve and succeed,” Moore said.

Insights from industry leaders

Each session will feature guest interviews, with Joanna James (pictured above center), chief development officer and head of the Artemis Form for FBAA, being the first guest.

“I’m greatly looking forward to this series and hope that insights into our experiences may give an alternative perspective, which, in turn, may provide a different lens for considering participants' own challenges,” James said.

Join the webinar

The Ignite Your Mojo series is open to everyone and free of charge. Register here for the one-hour Being Driven to Fail event at 12 p.m. AEST on Aug. 19.

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