Vow Financial have announced the appointment of Ross Laurenson as new state manager for Victoria/Tasmania.
The aggregator says Laurenson, based in Melbourne, has had a successful career in the mortgage and finance industry spanning back to 1979. He set up, owned and operated a number of thriving mortgage broking businesses for nearly 20 years and, more recently, has been the principal of Yellow Brick Road Frankstown (VIC). His franchise achieved the 2012 and 2013 ‘National Branch of the Year’, ‘Mortgage Branch of the Year’ and ‘Victorian Branch of the Year’ awards.
However, following these achievements, Laurenson says he was ready to give something back.
“I wanted to give back to the industry as a coach and mentor. I love to train enthusiastic people to master the art of being the best broker they can be.”
He says he opted to join Vow after keeping an eye on the progress the company has made in ‘such a short time’.
“When presented with the opportunity to join the young and aggressive group that actually wants to make a difference, it just made sense. A good aggregation group is so much more than a wholesaler of bank loans and software solutions. I wanted to be an integral player in the revolution and am looking forward to sharing the Vow aggregation model to those who are serious about building their business.”
"Ross is a very welcome addition to the Vow Financial family,” says Vow Financial CEO, Tim Brown.
“His previous experience and knowledge of how to build a successful diversified financial services business will prove invaluable for our expansion and growth in Victoria and Tasmania.”