Victoria's housing ambitions

Two million homes planned

Victoria's housing ambitions


By Mina Martin

The Victorian government has unveiled proposed housing targets for each local government area (LGA) to achieve its goal of more than 2 million new dwellings by 2051, Property Council reported.

Draft targets announced

Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny announced the draft targets last week, alongside Kingston Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns. Final targets will be released by the end of the year.

“To give industry the confidence they need to get on and build, we need government and all councils working towards the same goal: more homes for Victorians – in the right places,” Allan said.

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Focus on accessibility

The draft council housing targets are largely based on access to jobs, transport, and services.

By 2051, Boroondara LGA is proposed to accommodate 67,000 new homes, while Kingston LGA is proposed to accommodate 59,000 new homes, aligning with growth along the Suburban Rail Loop corridor.

Inner and middle Melbourne growth

The targets aim for many council areas in inner and middle Melbourne to double their new dwelling approvals, contributing to the Housing Statement goal of 70% of new homes in established areas and 30% in outer-suburban growth areas.

“We want to work in partnership with councils to build more homes in the areas where people want to live – close to the people they love and the things they love to do,” Kilkenny said.

Regional and rural housing

In regional cities and rural areas, the targets will support more new homes in key worker and affordable housing sectors. The city of Greater Geelong is proposed to accommodate 139,800 new homes by 2051.

Council consultations

The government will consult with councils to harness their local knowledge and report back on the draft targets and proposed local changes.

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