Far out Friday: Clients from hell

If your clients ever drive you nuts, you're not alone



Your clients are your livelihood, the reason you’re in business – and most of them are probably wonderful, likeable people. But sometimes, just sometimes, you get someone who just makes you want to tear your hair out.

For this week’s Far out Friday, we’ve compiled some of the best ‘clients from hell’ stories posted anonymously by people working in a variety of industries. Don’t forget to share your own horror stories in the comment box below…


“I was at the airport, ready to leave for vacation when I got a panicked phone call from a client. She stated that the video I sent her - part of a large marketing campaign - was missing the sound. After a lot of shouting and threats on her part, I agreed to go to her office try and fix it.

After being escorted into her office, I played the video and double-checked her computer’s sound options. Then I plugged in her headphones. Then I billed her for my missed flight.”

Website designer

“A nugget of wisdom I got from an Eastern spirituality, self-help author:

‘I know you’re upset that we haven’t paid you yet for your work on the website, but take it from me, life isn’t all about money. If you had taken the time to absorb the message in the content, you’d see that and be more patient’.”


Me: “Can you give me a list of printing companies you have a relationship with so I can get an estimate?”

Client: “No, sorry. We owe them a bunch of money.”


Client: "I’m a banker. Are you really going to try and get away with charging me late fees?"


I told my client I would be at my step-mother’s funeral for the day and would be completely unreachable by any form of communication until tomorrow.

Client: (email) I really need your help! I can’t open the file you sent me. 

Client: (text) Did you get my email? I need you to resend me that file NOW.

Client: (voicemail) You are being completely unprofessional and ridiculous! I can’t believe you are ignoring my frantic pleas for help!! You can bet your sorry ass that I’ll remember how unhelpful and unprofessional you are being.

Client: (text) AMBER! (not my name) CALL ME NOW!!

US-Based website designer

Client: "Which way will the website appear in Australia?"

*Source: Clients from Hell website


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