A broker impacted by the NCCP ban on the word "independent" says he's made the most of the situation with a company re-brand.
Perth broker James Pibworth has said ASIC's upcoming enforcement of the ban meant he had to re-brand his company, Independent Home Loans, settling on the new name Iconic Home Loans. Pibworth said the re-brand was tailored to minimise the effects of the shift on his business.
"Our Independent branding was still quite new and we have a lot of affection for the brand, as do our customers. We wanted to minimise the visual impact of the new name, but at the same time make a change that really meant something for the company, and our vision for the future," Pibworth said.
While Pibworth said the process of re-branding was labour intensive, he said the company "made the most of it" and was proud of its new branding. He commented that keeping the same brand abbreviation helped ease the transition.
Pibworth indicated that the "IHL" abbreviation had "significant equity" for the company. He said the company landed on the word "Iconic", believing it fit well with the brokerage's pending expansion into new financial service divisions.
"Iconic allows us to continue our brand strategy, communication strategy and uphold our brand values to our customers, referral partners and staff, ensuring that our level of professionalism is maintained and enhanced within the industry," he said.